What are the basic rules on how I should get paid?

Video Description

Hi, my name is Innessa Huot and I'm an employment attorney. 

Now, unless you fall into very specific exemptions, federal law applies to all workers and all workers are subject to its protections. Now, these federal laws provide for three basic rules on how you should be paid. 


Number one, you have to be paid the minimum wage, which is $7.25 for all hours worked under 40 in a work week. Number two, if you work more than 40 hours, you have to be paid overtime, and that's one and a half times your regular rate of pay, whatever that is established to be, but it can't be less than $7.25. And then the third rule is that you have to be paid on time, your paychecks cannot be late.
Now those are the federal laws, but many states have implemented their own laws which provide for greater protections. For example, as of 2020, the New York City's minimum wage is $15 an hour. Employees always get the benefit of the higher minimum wage that's applicable to where they work, with $7.25 being the floor.
Now, New York State also has additional laws, like for example, employers must provide what's called wage notices, and they also must provide pay stubs. Now, all these laws are very specific to the city and state that you live in. 

If you have any questions about how you should be paid or you want to know more about the city and state in which you work in, please give us a call. We deal with these issues all the time and we'd be happy to speak with you. Thank you so much for watching.


Innessa M. Huot
Partner at Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP

New York office
Tel: (212) 983-9330
Fax: (212) 983-9331
E-mail: ihuot@faruqilaw.com

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