Can I be fired for complaining about wages or discrimination?

Video Description

Hi, my name is Innessa Huot and I'm an employment attorney. 


Federal laws, as well as most state and city laws, they prohibit employers from taking any negative action against you for complaining about wages or discrimination. Now this could include filing a lawsuit, joining a class action, or even just raising the issue with your supervisors or your colleagues. Now it's important to remember that while employees are typically considered employees at-will, it's still a violation of the law for an employer to demote you, fire you, discipline you in any way, or reduce your pay because you've complained about wages, discrimination, or any violation of the law. 


If you think you've been retaliated against or wrongfully terminated, then you may have claims for lost wages and other damages. Give us a call and we'd be happy to speak with you so that you can better understand your rights. Thank you so much for watching.


Innessa M. Huot
Partner at Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP

New York office
Tel: (212) 983-9330
Fax: (212) 983-9331

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