On March 26, 2024, United States District Judge Daniel D. Domenico of the District of Colorado adopted Magistrate Judge James P. O’Hara’s ruling and recommendation to appoint Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, as sole lead counsel in Clifton v. Willis, et al., 22-cv-03161-DDD-JPO. The suit centers on allegations that Defendants made false and misleading representations that NewAge, Inc. conducted business with the military and FamilyMart, overstated other business agreements, never produced or sold a CBD infused beverage, lacked internal controls and that the Company was exposed to a heightened risk of an SEC investigation.
For further inquiries regarding this matter, please contact James M. Wilson, Jr. at jwilson@faruqilaw.com or (212) 983-9330.
Copies of the Magistrate Judge’s Ruling & Recommendation and the District Court’s order adopting the Magistrate Judge’s Ruling & Recommendation are linked below.