Faruqi & Faruqi obtained its third win in a row on behalf of sunscreen purchasers. On April 29, 2022, Judge White of the Northern District of California denied in most part Bondi Sands’ motion to dismiss in Moran v. Bondi Sands (USA) Inc., et al., No. 21-cv-07961 (N.D. Cal.), a class action alleging that Bondi Sands falsely labeled its sunscreens as “Reef Friendly.” In fact, the Bondi Sands sunscreen contains chemical ingredients harmful to coral reefs. Specifically, Judge White concluded that Plaintiff’s allegations, including citations to scientific studies demonstrating the hazards of the chemical ingredients to reefs, were sufficient at the pleading stage to show plausible harm. Judge White also concluded that Plaintiff’s claims were neither preempted by federal law, nor that they be stayed pending a decision by the FDA.
A copy of the Bondi Sands decision can be found here.